*This information is to be filled in by the person who interviewed the candidate for the job
Mobile Number:
Marital Status:
Your Location: —Please choose an option—RiyadhJeddahDammamOther
Email ID:
Applying Job Position:
The Current Job:
Graduation Year:
Scientific Level:
Years of Experience:
Name of the organization you graduated from:
Please leave this field empty.
Income Information
What salary do you expect?
Your last salary?
Expected suits?
Other allowances?
Health Status
Do you suffer from any chronic diseases? —Please choose an option—YesNo
more details:
Have you had any surgeries before? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Have you had any accidents or work injuries? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you wear glasses or hearing aids? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Self Evaluation
Tell me about your self?
Why did you leave your last job?
Do you mind moving to another place to work in case the company needs it? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you mind working overtime in case work is needed? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you have a driver's license? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Can you work as part of a team? —Please choose an option—YesNo
What other skills do you master?
When you can join the company?
Do you have the minimum experience of 3-10 years in a related/relevant field of MEP projects? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Are you legal allowed to work in Saudi Arabia? —Please choose an option—YesNo
*Upload your Resume